Which sleeping position is the best for you?
Getting a quality night time sleep depends on many factors, but one of the most important ones that you can easily adjust is without a doubt your sleeping position. In fact, a sleeping position is often overlooked by many, but may result in problems with bones and muscles long-term,in case of adopting the wrong position during sleep.
Of course, each of us has their own preferences when it comes to sleeping positions. Some of us like to sleep on one sides, others with their head facing up, and others with their hands and feet curled almost like a baby. Each position, however, has a different benefit and possibly disadvantage so here is what you should know about the most common sleeping positions
Τhe “freefall” position.
This position, as its name suggests, is totally natural and free as it doesn’t have a particular shape. The person simply lies on the bed with their head turned slightly on the sides, and the rest of the body facing the bed, with feet and hands randomly spread across the bed. This position, according to sleeping experts is good for digestion, although it may exaggerate already existing snoring problems. This is one of the most common sleeping positions, especially for males.
The “embryo” position.
Like its name denotes, this sleeping position mimics the position of embryos and babies with the head and the rest of the body appear curled inwards on one side, left or right, sleeping expert and director of Sleep Assessment and Advisory service. This is among the most top 3 sleeping positions, according to a survey conducted by Professor Idzikowski. However, this sleeping position may put live organs in stress and people who adopt it are suggested to adopt a more straight position long-term to avoid these issues.
The “log” position.
The log position is another common sleeping position where a person lies on one side (left or right) with both their arms placed down on that side. This is a fairly good position for helping keep the spine straight and for those who experience problems with their back as it doesn’t put the back under stress.
he “yearner log” position.
The “yearner log” position.This is another variation of the log position but the difference here is that the person lies on one side with their arms and feet stretching outwards as if they are trying to reach something. This is a good position for helping acid reflux and sleep apnea problems, although if problem continues, it’s better to see a specialist for these issues.
The “soldier” position.
The soldier position is basically a position where someone lies facing the ceiling in an almost structured pose with their feet close to each other and their hands straight, almost like a soldier. This position is not good according to experts for snoring, sleep apnea, and digestion as putting your weight on your back causes stress to the back itself and the rest of the organs.
The “star” position.
The star position is when somebody lies facing the ceiling but instead of placing their feet and hands straight downwards like the soldier position, they spread them outwards in a pose that closely resembles a star/starfish. Like the soldier position, this is not indicated for those who have sleep apnea and snoring problems as it may exaggerate them long-term.
So ultimately, the best and most safe and healthy sleep positions are the “freefall” and the “yearner” position. Besides sleep position, you better invest in a quality bedding set as it really helps keep you in place and comfortable when you sleep at night time.